• About Begonia: Care & tips

    The ideal place in the house for your Begonia

    Leaf Begonias do best in a spot with bright, indirect light . They need light to grow well, but direct sunlight burns the leaves. Therefore, place the plant near a window facing east, west, or north . Do you want to place it in front of a south-facing window? Then provide a light curtain or sunshade to protect the plant.

    Begonia: Care & tips assortment
  • Features Begonia: Care & tips

    • Very thirsty
    • Lots of indirect light
    • Air purifying
    • Toxic to pets

The best light for your Begonia

It is important that you keep in mind that the exact light requirements depend on the type of Begonia you have. Some varieties need a little more light than others. If in doubt, observe the plant's response. Are the leaves turning yellow? He gets too much direct sunlight. If the plant becomes long and thin, it does not receive enough light.

Watering leaf begonia

The Begonia needs a lot of water . How much water you should give depends on: where your plant is located, how much light falls on that location, how humid the air is around the plant, how large the plant is and what type of pot the plant is in. That is why it is always best to check with your finger.

Plants that are very thirsty should only dry out by a few centimeters . Feel with your finger whether the soil on the surface is still wet, then it is best to wait a little longer before pouring. Once the first 10-20% of the top soil is dry, it's time for a sip!

Care products for you Begonia: Care & tips

Feed the Begonia

It is best to only feed the Leaf Begonia when you see that it is in active growth . This is the case when new, young leaves continue to emerge . Usually this happens in the warmer months of the year , but with some plants, depending on their situation, this can be all year round.

During active growth you can feed the Begonia every 2 weeks . We recommend organic and natural food in granular form. Granules release nutrition slowly and for a very long time, unlike liquid nutrition, and should therefore only be added to your plant once or twice a year.

Leaf Begonia cuttings

A Begonia is easy to propagate and even cross. As a result, there are countless types of Begonias. You can propagate many species by sticking a leaf with a stem in the ground. You do this in a humid environment so that the leaf quickly produces enough roots to absorb moisture.

Repotting Begonia

It is best to repot your Leaf Begonia in the spring . Then the plant is developing and the roots grow faster. For repotting, use a pot that is at least 20% larger than the previous one. This way the roots have enough space to develop further.

Typical Begonia problems

Is a Begonia poisonous?

Yes, many types of Leaf Begonias are poisonous to people and pets . The plant contains toxins, such as oxalates, which cause irritation in the digestive system when ingested. Take precautions and keep the plant out of the reach of children and pets.

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